Want to design a symmetry website that will convey a sense of elegant tranquility and familiarity? You should indulge in a fair play of balance and proportion, since symmetry is a key technique to use if you want a balanced looking page. Overall symmetrical balance occurs when a composition is evenly distributed around a central vertical or horizontal axis.

Being simpler than asymmetric forms, it can significantly enhance recognition of a website and is sure to recall its elegance. Basically, there are several types of symmetry, but the most basic are given further:
- Reflection Symmetry – has its central axis vertically or horizontally and is composed by design elements being centered and evenly spaced across either vertical or horizontal plane. Also known as bilateral symmetry, this form of design is mirroring and reflecting an element around a central axis.
- Rotational Symmetry – displays circular placement of object in a particular direction and at any angle or frequency. This symmetry type (also known as radial symmetry) involves a central point around which an object is rotated in equal degrees without any change.
- Translational Symmetry – refers to relocating of an object in any direction or at any distance while maintaining its general or exact orientation. Basically, it is a repeating pattern of identical elements that are equally spaced out along a line.
All these symmetry types should be tried out in your designs. To offer you enough food for imagination, we bring forth the best of our designs to showcase interesting and compositionally balanced examples. The following website templates particularly exhibit order and limitation. Having different symmetrical types strategically used within their layouts, they give a stable, consistent look with organized and neat design concepts. Right after the jump you’ll see how symmetry creates rhythm in designs and is used to show motion and dynamic action through a flat and static medium.
Jobvia – Impressive Job Board Web Page Theme

How about creating a user-friendly and well-structured online job board? Make that idea a reality with Jobvia modern template. It offers 3 well-designed homepages and over 40 pre-made pages where you place all the content you want. The theme is fully responsive. It means that your website looks perfect on all devices. What’s more, it contains clean, user-friendly code, so it’s not a problem to customize the layout to your liking. Don’t hesitate and check out the demo!
Lexicon – kitchen Accessories Store OpenCart Template

Gaze | Premium Business Joomla Template

The post Symmetry Website Templates appeared first on MonstersPost.
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