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Here’s a look at four logos we recently designed for our clients.

What stands out? Did you guess simplicity? That’s the answer to good logo design.

There’s undiluted strength in simplicity. You can’t say everything about your company in a logo, but you can make a strong case for your unique identity. And with consistent use in all your materials, you can put a stamp on your industry, so that no one mistakes you for another company.

What does it take to make your brand recognizable?

Do your research. A trademark attorney can research who else in your market may have your favorite choice for a company name or tagline. They may already be trademarked; be glad you didn’t waste your time and money, and go to your Plan B.

Once you legally have your unique company name, the next step is logo design. A professional graphic designer will research your competition and market, and understands simplicity. They will decide which recognizable colors and graphic shapes best translate a concept.

Much is conveyed through colors and simple shapes; your market will subsconciously pick up on a sense of security, comfort, and trust. A cluttered logo only undermines the message.

Upon developing your brand, use it consistently throughout your marketing collateral. Monitor how your logo, your colors and your brand are used. Be strict, but keep it simple. Having templates or a style guide will keep you honest, so there’s no chance of confusion, or getting lost in the crowd. Rules for consistency in colors, fonts and images make it easier when hiring others to produce your web and print collateral.

The post The Secret to Good Logo Design appeared first on Young Design.

This content was originally published here.