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Nick is turning 30 this year, starting to make a little money and realizes he really should start saving for retirement – after all, many of his friends have been saving for years. He could utilize a brokerage firm’s expertise to help guide his investment decisions, or he could invest in the same things his buddies have been talking about and do it himself – after all, it’s cheaper that way. 

Sarah’s lifelong dream is to run her own small restaurant. Between Costco and Restaurant Depot she can get most of her ingredients and equipment less expensively than purchasing from a food service provider. Partnering with a food service company can not only provide her with the things she needs but will also give her insights into her menu, pricing, industry trends and more to help her navigate the ups and downs of what is ultimately a low-margin business. It will cost her more for this, but will help set her up for success for the long term.

I thought about all of this when I recently saw a commercial for Fiverr. From the Fiverr website, you can quickly source, among many things, a new logo for your company for as little as $10. This commoditization of branding and marketing has been going on for years – heck, today you can find signs staked in the ground at many busy intersections advertising digital marketing services or website design on the cheap. Still, it felt a little insidious seeing it broadcast and presented on such a national stage. A Fiverr-sourced logo does not involve understanding your company’s DNA, peer reviews, interviews or perception studies – things necessary, in the long run, to help your company logo evolve into your brand. Because saying your new $10 logo is a brand is like saying your house is your home. Your house is a structure – your home is the structure, inhabitants, memories, stories and experiences within those walls. 

Now understand, I am not making a blanket statement that Fiverr is all bad or that more expensive is always better. I’m sure there are many people with a Range Rover in their driveway (or shop) right now who would admit – although not openly – that the beater Honda they drove in college was far more reliable and efficient. It’s why Target, Walmart and Ikea exist – because sometimes good enough is “good ‘nuff.” Sometimes all you want, or need, is a pretty $10 logo. Ultimately, I think, it all comes down to one’s perception of value.

After 30 years of investing on his own, Nick might feel great about his retirement account balance – but what if he could have 50% more if he went the brokerage route? Sarah might be content with her cafe, but what if she had more time to focus on and grow her business by partnering with a Food service company instead of constantly chasing down ingredients and supplies on her own? And, what if you could invest now, in a logo and brand identity that provides you with a solid foundation, starting with purpose, a brand story and expression, and immersive due diligence up front – a brand that can evolve with you over time. I’m not so sure Fiverr will get you there. In fact, I’ll bet you $10 it can’t.

Whether you are looking to stand apart from your competition, share your story in a more compelling way or communicate the best about your products and services, Savage helps organizations build purpose-driven brands that endure. 

Contact us to learn how we can help your business thrive today and make sure you are prepared for tomorrow.

This content was originally published here.

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