What makes a website good? It’s not a pretty design or fancy words, although they play an important role. A good website solves the client’s problem quick and easy. That’s what you have to focus on. In this guide, we’ll go over the best approach and learn how you can make your website great!
To actually see how a website looks, we use an in-house developed wireframe template to physically lay out the website! It’s fun and quite cool to do, so we decided to share it with you!
But to solve a client’s problem, you first have to know what it is. You got it figured out already? Think again. Do you know what they just told you or did you dig deep and understand their unarticulated needs and desires? Apple saw the potential of a deep analysis early on. Nobody knew they needed an iPod before Apple told them they did and made the iPod become the most sold digital music player in history
There is a particularly powerful method you can use called Design Thinking.
Design Thinking, described in the first part of this guide, will help discover the unarticulated needs of your customers and convert them into a viable solution.
When then implementing this solution you have to consider two different aspects. The first and more important one is your client. Also, you have to consider what’s best for your business in terms of cost and time consumption.
After the Design Thinking phase, we will focus on each side and find the best possible implementation strategy.
Design Thinking
You may have heard the term once, twice or a million times before, but what is this mythical process the whole business world is talking about? The descriptions on the internet are vague and the term itself somewhat confusing.
Let’s clear things up: Design Thinking is a human-centered framework to identify a need and create a solution for it.
With the power of Design Thinking you’ll go from guessing the problem to a beloved product or service in five steps:
Step one was fun and eye-opening and now you’re ready to implement.
Primary focus: The user
A good website solves the client’s problem quick and easy. To do that, you have to guide her to her goal without giving any distractions. Take a human-centered approach to build a website:
A good website solves the client’s problem quick and easy. To do that, you have to guide her to her goal without giving any distractions. Take a human-centered approach to build a website:
Above the fold
The pages
Secondary focus: the company
What approach you take and what technology you use play a major role in production cost and time. There is the dumb way, where you create each page individually like 15 years ago, and there is the smart way: Responsive web design and modules.
Responsive web design
Long live modules!
This content was originally published here.