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Types of logos that use only letters

We have separated logos into five categories: signature logos, monogram logos, combination logos, symbol logos, and badge and coat of arms logos. Among these, two types of logos are recognized as exclusively using letters. They have no symbols nor icons. 

Monogram logos

Monogram logos are a type of logo consisting only of letters while being relatively short. An acronym or the initials of the name of a person or company are often used. By playing with the letters, you can create different effects.

Examples of monogram logos: Chanel, New York Yankees, General Electric

Signature logos

Signature logos, on the other hand, are composed only of the full name of the company, and not their initials or an acronym. Generally, companies that choose this type of logo have a company name that is easy to remember and contains less than 10 characters. 

Examples of signature logos: Sony, Fedex, L’Oréal

But why create a logo with only letters? There are several reasons for this, and several large companies have also created a logo without icons. We can name for example IKEA, Netflix and Google. Just because you want to create a monogram or signature logo doesn’t mean it’s going to be boring. In short, if you want to put your company name or your name forward, these types of logos can be great choices.

What to keep in mind when creating a logo with letters?

If you want to create a monogram logo or a signature logo, what should you keep in mind? Here are three ways to succeed in creating a logo containing only letters. 

The importance of font

To start, the most important element of a logo composed only of letters is the font. Since there is no icon to support the text, you need to choose a font that will promote your values and send the right message. Therefore, you need to choose the perfect font. But where to start?

Often, the first steps when creating a logo are to define a target customer base and give a soul to your business. What are your values? Who are you talking to? Obviously, your target audience will have a big impact on your logo. For example, if you’re talking to young men in extreme sports, your logo will likely be different than if you’re talking to retirees who love to play golf. Keep this in mind when creating your logo.

There are many different types of fonts, but we’re going to separate them into two categories: serif fonts and sans-serif fonts. Serif fonts, the ones with extra strokes at the end of the letters, are considered more serious and traditional. Sans-serif fonts, without strokes, are often associated with modernity and accessibility. What do you want people to feel when they see your logo? When creating your logo, try several fonts to see which one will exactly meet your needs.

The choice of colors

The second most important aspect is colors. Like fonts, colors can help you convey a specific message. And since colors have meaning, it’s important to choose the right shades.

Let’s start at the beginning: are you looking for a more dynamic or soft effect? Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) are often used to attract attention. While cool colors (green, blue, and purple) have a rather calming effect. Then, you need to know what the colors represent to avoid a misstep. For example, we all know that green is associated with nature and health, but it is also a color used in the field of finance. Did you know that blue is the most used color for company logos? This is because it is a lot of people’s favorite color, and it represents trust.

After defining who your target audience is, take a look at your competitors’ logos. If all of these companies use neutral colors, it might be worth standing out with a more dynamic hue. 

With a slogan or not?

Then, you might decide to add a slogan to your signature logo. You may want to do this if your business name doesn’t explain what you offer. You can also create different versions of your logo as needed, one with a slogan and another without a slogan.

What should you keep in mind when creating a slogan for your business? In short, a slogan should be short, simple, representative, honest, positive and melodious. Try various combinations and get straight to the point. Play with words, look for synonyms, and try not to complicate things unnecessarily. When we think of a successful slogan, we have Nike’s Just do it or Subway’s Eat Fresh. They are short, simple, but above all effective.

Here’s a little trick if you want to add a slogan to your logo: try to respect the golden ratio. Your company name should be 1.6 times larger than your slogan. This precise ratio will help you balance the different components of your logo.

In conclusion, is it possible to create a logo using only letters? The answer is yes! Start by choosing whether you want to create a monogram logo or a signature logo, then define the values of your company and your target audience. Then, search for the perfect font, choose the right colors, and decide whether you want to add a slogan or not. If you need help, feel free to take a look at our comprehensive guide on creating a logo for your business. Good luck!

This content was originally published here.

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