97766 1592177689

Business Name

Zoom Home Inspections

Business Description

Our business provides home inspection services to buyers, sellers and real estate professionals serving the communities in the greater Las Vegas and surrounding areas. We chose this name to convey the idea of the inspector zooming in and evaluating a property with careful lenses, taking a closer look. We like the “lens” component in the design with the past project completed, see “ACE home Inspection”. If possible, please include the prior awarded designer for our last project to provide designs for this new request. Logo should be creative and yet simple, contemporary and professional.

Color preference

Ideas & concepts

Incorporate inspecting lenses in the design or other creative elements to convey the idea of “zooming in” to evaluate closely, taking a closer look. Can also include the “house” element along with the lenses. Preferred colors are Red, White and Blue.

Additional Design Inspirations

This content was originally published here.

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